How Much Money Does Louise Slaughter Make? Latest Income Salary

Dorothy Louise McIntosh Slaughter (August 14, 1929 - March 16, 2018) was an American politician who served as a United States Representative from New York from 1987 until her death in 2018.
Slaughter was born in Lynch, Kentucky. She studied microbiology and public health at the University of Kentucky, obtaining a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree. After moving to New York and becoming involved in politics as a member of the Democratic Party, she was elected to a seat in the New York State Assembly in 1982 and to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1986.
Slaughter served as Chairwoman of the House Rules Committee from 2007 until 2011 and as ranking minority member of the Committee from 2005 to 2007, and from 2011 until her death. Slaughter was the lead House sponsor of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which became law in 2008.
Net Worth:

Louise Slaughter Net Worth: $100 Million

Louise Slaughter's Income / Salary:

Per Year: $20 Million

Per Month: $2 Million

Per Week: $500,000

Per Day:Per Hour: Per Minute:Per Second:

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